Injection Molding Basic-Theory and Application (PTS1)

Target groups Target groups

Plastic molding related:
Designer of products or mould maker, Team leader of plastic production, Quality control, New operator.

Dates Dates

28.02. - 01.03.2023 (Shenzhen)
30. - 31.03.2023 (Shanghai)
06. - 07.06.2023 (Shanghai)
13. - 14.06.2023 (Shenzhen)
25. - 26.09.2023 (Shenzhen)
25. - 26.09.2023 (Shanghai)
31.10. - 01.11.2023 (Shanghai)
19. - 20.12.2023 (Shenzhen)

hybrider ALLROUNDER 1120H mit 6.500 kN Schließkraft

Course Content

  • Structure & classification of injection molding machine
  • Principle of injection molding
  • Introduction of injection molding processing
  • Introduction of injection molding application

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