Fully automated
The two halves of the tyre lever are produced ready-to-use. Laser marking and quality control, among other things, are integrated into the fully automated production line.
Automation with no additional floor space: a suspended six-axis robot takes care of the handling.
Each moulded part is marked with a CM code. The ARBURG Turnkey Control Module (ATCM) SCADA system ensures 100% traceability.

Tyre levers with a "fingerprint"
ARBURG solutions used

In a cycle time of 45 s, the vertical machine overmoulds inserts with 50% glass fibre-reinforced PA 66/6, a single-grade post-industrial recyclate (PIR).

Six-axis robot
The space-saving KUKA six-axis robot is integrated into the GESTICA control system. It completes an operating manual and assembles the two-piece tool into a complete tyre lever.

Recyclate package
The ARBURG recyclate package consists of hardware and software. A modified cylinder module and wear-resistant screw is also suitable for poorly flowing and abrasive materials.

The ARBURG Turnkey Control Module (ATCM) records part-specific data from the injection moulding process and combines this with the results of the optical inspection for dimensional stability.